The AMRT is a closed round for risk managers of asset management companies.
Four virtual meetings are held in a year. Current topics of focus include:
- High demand for consulting on outsourcing governance
- Cloud – status and view from the “risk glasses”
- Asset Management Radar Results
- Future developments in ESG for asset managers
Publications of the Round Table
Dr. Michael Böhm
Peter Lellmann
Matthias Rode
info@firm.fmThe BRRT is a closed group for risk managers from banks.
Four virtual meetings are held each year, as well as additional meetings on current issues. Current topics of focus include:
- Risk trends (credit, market, operational, reputational and business risk)
- Developments in regulatory requirements and dialogue with supervisors
- Impact COVID and Russia / Ukraine conflict
- Treatment of “non-standard” risks (step-in / hidden charges)
- Climate Risk Management
Publications of the Round Table
- Study on ESG risks in the credit process (research assignment TUM)
- Position paper on climate risks and their quantification in risk management (in progress)
Jan Jelovsek
info@firm.fmThe CRRT is intended for all compliance professionals at financial institutions and consulting firms. In terms of content, the focus is on compliance and non-financial risk. There are usually four meetings a year, three online and one face-to-face. Current topics of focus include:
- Role of the compliance function in the context of ESG and current regulatory ESG requirements
- Effect of ESG requirements on compliance risk – especially reputational risk
- Approaches to managing compliance risks in an ESG context and drivers for further development of the compliance function
Publications of the Round Table
Olaf Brüggemann
Sebastian Schneider
info@firm.fmThe Cyber Risk Round Tables (CYRT) address the evolving Cyber Risk landscape in the financial services sectors considering the increasingly significant impact of cyber disruptions in a digital world, geo-political tensions and regulatory pressures. Over the course of the four episodes of CYRT 2024, we will further focus on and discuss measures for financial businesses to proactively reduce cyber risks and enhance overall resilience.
Tobias Synak
Daniel Naumilkat
info@firm.fmThe PRRT is aimed at all payments experts from financial institutions and consulting companies. The focus is on operational resilience in payment transactions and the digital euro; There are usually four meetings a year. Current topics of focus include:
- Kick-off summer 2022
- Discussion session focusing on central bank digital currencies in November 2022
- Banking survey on the focus of operational resilience in payments
- Discussion session focusing on operational resilience in payments in March 2023
- Elaboration of a white paper
Publications of the Round Table
Daniel Regending
Dr. Markus Ampenberger
Prof. Dr. Tobias Berg
Mitglied des VorstandsContact
info@firm.fmThe ESG Round Table addresses all issues related to ESG in the financial sector across topics for all Round Tables. It is aimed at all FIRM Round Table coordinators as well as ESG experts from financial institutions and consulting firms. There are usually four meetings a year. Current topics of focus include:
- Basic Assumptions on Climate Scenarios and Human Activity
- Different regional approaches USA/Europe/Asia
- Deepening the European approach
- Social consensus
- political mandate
- ECB Regulation
- Taxonomy
- Data basis
- Publication requirements
Thomas Werner
Dr. Til Bünder
Stefan Bochtler
info@firm.fmThe AIRT Round Table is aimed at all interested parties on the topic of Artificial Intelligence and application in the financial industry. The Round Table is an open discussion group that is regularly attended by many guests from the financial sector and other industries. There are usually four meetings a year. Current topics of focus include:
- Focus on AI4ESG but also Climate/Environmental Risk with Data/AI/Simulation
- Continuation of the recording of the interfaces to GAIA-X
- Generative AI / LLM / ChatGPT
- Collaboration with other Round Tables possible and useful